Explaining the Shape, Size, Texture and Composition of Archaeological Artifacts
Juan A. Barcelo
Departament de Prehistòria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
There are lots of papers and materials on Barceló's web pages.
Lecture #1
- Association
- Categorization
- Intervention
- Conscience
Lecture #2
Shape analysis. Shape is any connected set of points:
- localist representation is based on descriptive shape parameters
- distributed representation is pixel-based
There are different methods for describing shape: circularity, quadrature, irregularity, elongation, size measurements. Like morphometric measurements in anthropology, we can also use curvature changes' points.
Surfaces are characterized by texture.
Sigmoid axon.
It is important to find a balance between globalisation and localisation when describing shape.
C. Reeler: settlement classification using neural networks.